Boards of Directors Responsibilities

The responsibilities of directors’ boards vary from oversight of finances to determining the best way to handle the resources of the organization. It is a top-ranking position that requires commitment and dedication from anyone willing to show up for unpaid meetings as well as read budget documents and assume the legal responsibilities for a company. It is crucial that anyone interested in joining a company’s board of directors understands what their real obligations are prior to committing to the role.

There are special boards, in addition to the governing board, which concentrate on specific areas, such as marketing, fundraising, branding and community connections. These are often made up of members from directors from both sides who bring their diverse perspectives and experience to the table.

The most important aspect for any board member is to make sure that they are in compliance with their legal obligations, which can be broken into three broad categories:

Duty of Care

The legal responsibilities of board directors in this field revolve around making decisions based on the best interests of the business and making sure that their choices are in accordance with all applicable laws and reporting requirements. This involves ensuring that they are familiar with the legal organizing documents of the organization and the board’s bylaws.

A board of directors should also be actively promoting their work and try to build positive public relations for their company. This obligation should be natural to the most passionate and committed board members, however, it could be a problem for others who may not be as active in their promotion of the work of the organization.